Sunday, June 24, 2007

SYN Exec

As my last post indicated the Exec met and discussed putting into action a campaign for a real living wage as we all decided at our Conference.

The name we've settled on is COFUP! - which stands for COalition Fighting Unfair Pay.

The focus of the campaign is
a) to campaign for Labour councils to have a living wage as part of their workerprocurement agreements; and

b) to make a Living Wage official LabourParty policy by having it passed at Conference.

The Launch rally will be on Tuesday 24th July at 7pm in Committee Room 9, House of Commons.

Speakers TBC

Put it inyour diary - and start spreading the word!

More details to follow!

SYN also have a facebook group that can be found here


Anonymous said...

Hi Marsha-Jane,

Thanks for the comment on my blog....I must be honest...Being stuck on this little island of ours I hadn't heard of the Socialist Youth Network....But I'm certainly a admirer of John mcDonnell....In fact, Labour youth here in Ireland officially supported him for leader of the Labour party over there....

Fair play to you guys...You guys are the Labour party....You hold real Labour values.....New Labour are just right wing entryists!!!Keep up the great work..

Yours in solidarity,

from an Irish Bennite,


Anonymous said...

Shape the Party of European Socialists Manifesto in London!

Every major issue (and solution) has global reach and every global issue has local impact. Only by making it more relevant to people's everyday lives can we develop a more social and democratic Europe. That's why PES Activists and Compass Youth want to make connections that will keep the PES in touch with the most dynamic and innovative thinking of local activists. You are the eyes and ears of your communities so come and join the debate with our amazing line-up of speakers and feed in your ideas and opinions. We will also launch our EU Citizens for London campaign as part of this series of debates.

Check out the full series of events